Good news: Barcelona’s busiest pedestrian street lies in front of your window. Bad news: Barlecelona’s busiest street is even louder at night. All night. From drunken carousing and singing and wall thumping music, again, all night, to the aroma of street people and weed wafting in along with blood curdling screaming and drunken argumentation between many people. Again, all night long. Until alas, sunrise, when the entire country’s garbage trucks and street sweeping crews noisily arrange their equipment along with much singing and loudness accompanied by shattering glass recyclable containers hitting the empty metal truck containers, which you would think is a one and done operation on your block, but somehow continues for close to 2 hours, there by making every hour of the day completely devoid of sleep - because the window must be open for a portion of the night to allow real air movement due to the complete inadequacy of the AC system to even move stale warm air around the room. No fans available. The water pressure and temperature were nice. The lady cleaned the floor every day too. Appreciated since you are walking in the stew of all manner of dog and human waste on the surrounding streets. Do not stay there if you need to sleep.