If your thinking about staying here,.well dont unless theres no other option. This doesn't hold the hold Wyndham experience as im use to. Just a hotel that probably was bought by Wyndham to stay afloat. The 1st room the tv didnt work, and had mold corner of ceiling, 2nd tv worked no mold but the phone broken, toilet dirty,and the ac started off with a burning smell before kicking in barely. The hallways werent clean, 2nd floor exit had a portable ac leaning against rooftop for support. Most of the rooms i saw said no smoking ,yet u can smell cigarettes and weed while walking through the hall. There was a make shift snack and soda behind counter. Outside looks nice and welcoming but once u eneter the parking lot in the back you realize that either theres work going on the hotel which i never saw any, or most of the rooms being rented by travel workers , or people looking for work and are bouncing around.. To me that wasnt a problem, but this hotel reminds me of a motel transitioning in to a hotel...i know better next time!...the upload tab for photos isnt working for me to show the facts of what i mean and why this is a 1 star motel/hotel